Recently, I’ve been reading blogs. Lots of blogs! Specifically, I’ve been reading blogs by futurists or about the future. I asked members of the Association of Professional futurists for their suggestions, and I asked the World Futures Studies listserv readers for suggestions. At this point, I have a list of about 200 blogs (it changes quickly!), and I think the list will grow.
The group of bloggers on the World Future Society ( provided a starting core that aroused my interest about how many futurists might be writing blogs. Then I checked Google and the membership directory of APF, then asked futurists around the world for suggestions. They sent a lot!
I have posted the initial list at, and am asking people, including you, to tell me about any blogs that are related to the future that are not already on the list. I think there are a lot. Although the list is about 200 blogs long now, there are futurists that I know that are not here yet, so I’ll start searching them out on-by-one. But you can help.
I believe some futures-bloggers hesitate to put their own name forward. They don’t want to be pushy or publicity seeking. If you are in that category, don’t be modest, send me the name of your blog, the web address, and your first and last names. If you know of a blog about the future or by a futurist, please let me know. My email is, and I will appreciate your help.
I believe that people, including futurists will find this list of futures blogs to be a great resource. There are some very good writers blogging about the future, and they seem to cover all facets of futuring. They are writing in many languages, representing many cultures.
There is one problem with researching blogs. It is very easy to be drawn in; reading one blog on a site, then checking one previous blog after another. Then starting on another site and repeating the process! I know this can happen because it happened to me while I was building this list. I repeat—there are some very good, thoughtful writers out there.
This blog list will not be confined to my web site. Anyone can link to the list for their own web site, and I will make the list available to Futures organizations who are interested.
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